What Are Google Ads & How Do They Benefit Your Business?

When it comes to implementing changes and transforming how the business world works, Google plays an important role. Ever since it came to existence, there has been a gradual shift in the business workspace. A significant part of the success of a local and international business depends on how you comply with Google algorithms.

One of the several products of Google is Google Ads, which allows businesses to attract a large number of customers. By taking advantage of this advertising tool, you can take your business to new heights. However, before you decide to deploy Google ads into your marketing plan, you need to understand what Google Ads are and how they can help you achieve business goals. So let us start without much ado:

What are Google Ads?

Google Ads was formerly known as Google AdWords, but in 2018 Google named it Google Ads. The name changed, but the functioning and motto are still the same. Google Ads is still the paid advertising platform that can help your business reach potential customers.

When someone searches for a product or service, they receive all the results associated with it. If you are running Google Ads for your products and services, there is a big chance that the products will appear on top of the search results.

Google Ads results look the same as organic searches, except for the bold “Ad” text mentioned at the start. When your products and services appear on the top of Google search results, it attracts more and more traffic, the quickest way to generate leads.

However, do not assume that your product will appear on the top because you run Google Ads. Just like you, many advertisers are bidding for the top spot. To get the maximum out of your Google Ads campaign, you will need to understand how the bidding and auction process works.

How do Google Ads work?

Google Ads are dependent on the PPC (Pay per click) model. Under the process, marketers target a particular keyword and bid for it. The trick here is to make the maximum bid. Suppose you are bidding for $4, and Google determines the PPC price to be $2. You are going to get top placement.

However, if you have bid for less than $2, you will not get the top spots. According to Google experts, you should fix a daily budget for your Ads. This will help you determine how much you are spending on your campaign. You can count your bids through three options:

  • Cost per click (CPC): How much you pay when someone clicks your ad.
  • Cost per mile (CPM): It defines the amount paid per thousand Ad Impressions
  • Cost per engagement (CPE): The third one is the cost per engagement, which determines how much you pay when customers take action through your Ad.

Why should you use Google Ads?

  • Increase leads and customers

If you are struggling with lead generation, then Google Ad is the tool you should use. Using Google Ads, you can focus on targeted customers who are searching for your products and services. Besides, you get the liberty to refine your searches according to the evolving requirements of new customers.

  • It is suitable for all sorts of businesses.

No matter how big or small your business is, Google offers equal opportunities for every business. That is why; it has tailored the Google Ads platform to be flexible and scaled for the requirement of all kinds of organisations. You can target the audience depending upon their condition and demographics. In addition, you have the opportunity to set a budget and run the campaign only the way you want.

  • High return on investment

The best thing about Google Ads is that you get to pay only for the Ads that people click on. That is why the return on investment is higher here than on any other marketing platform. Even though it will take you some time to understand how the campaign works, the results will be great once you figure out what works in your favour.

  • Straightforward results

Once your campaign goes live, you can expect quick results. You will receive daily reports citing the success of your campaign. Moreover, it is straightforward to analyse the progress of a campaign. All the analytics and details are gathered on one dashboard. Keep an eye on the analytics to study customer behaviour and makes changes to the Ad campaigns depending on these results.

Now that you know how effective Google Ads can be for your business, it is time you add it to your business strategy. Just find a good Google ads agency in Sydney and let them work miracles for your business, especially if you are starting.

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