How Does SEO Consulting Work?

Illustration depicting Core Web Vitals metrics: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Created by Ahrefs.

If you’re tired of seeing your competitors effortlessly ranking at the top of Google search results while your website is nowhere to be found, it’s time to take action.

Your website deserves to rank well in search engines. With the right SEO consulting, you can get awesome results. The key to unlocking online success is boosting your online presence to increase organic traffic. That’s where hiring an SEO consultant can really help.

As one of the top independent SEO experts in the industry, I’ve seen the power of SEO in growing a brand online. As the founder of Warren Digital, I’ve dedicated over 15 years to mastering the art of SEO consulting. This has allowed me to assist many brands in increasing their website visibility and attracting targeted traffic.

Now, let’s explore how SEO consulting can transform your online presence.

What is SEO consulting?

SEO consulting is a professional service provided by an individual or a team of SEO experts. Their role is to assist businesses in enhancing their website’s performance to achieve a higher ranking on Google and other search engines. This involves a detailed review of the site’s existing position in terms of current rankings and website traffic.

SEO consultants work to increase a site’s visibility in search engines and attract more targeted traffic by pinpointing areas that require optimisation and devising strategies aligned with Google’s Search Essentials (which was previously called Google’s Webmaster Guidelines). 

SEO consulting aims to boost the site’s position in search engine rankings and its overall presence in search results. Successfully doing so leads to increased search traffic and, ultimately, a significant improvement in return on investment (ROI).

What areas does SEO consulting cover?

SEO consulting covers many areas to improve a website’s performance on search engines. Each aspect is crucial for building a comprehensive SEO campaign that effectively boosts a site’s search engine optimisation and search rankings, ultimately increasing the website’s traffic and website rankings.

1. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is about enhancing a website’s technical elements to ensure search engines can easily crawl and index it. This includes optimising the site’s structure, ensuring it is mobile-friendly, improving page load times, and implementing best practices. 

Illustration depicting Core Web Vitals metrics: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Created by Ahrefs.
Source: Ahrefs

The aim is to lay down a solid technical foundation to support other SEO efforts and improve search engine results. For example, performing keyword research, schema markups, building citations on Google Business Profile, getting reviews, etc. These key areas of technical SEO can positively influence local SEO rankings. 

2. Content optimisation

At the heart of SEO content lies content optimisation. This involves tailoring website content to include relevant keywords, enhancing readability, and ensuring the content provides substantial value to users. 

Quality content is pivotal for not only ranking websites but also for engaging and retaining visitors. Integrating SEO and content marketing effectively can lead to a significant increase in ranking and traffic.

3. Digital PR

Digital PR focuses on establishing a robust online presence through various digital channels, including digital marketing platforms, blogs, and publications. It aims to create brand awareness, establish industry authority, and improve SEO by generating high-quality backlinks and social signals. 

Venn diagram illustrating digital PR strategies by Semrush, showing intersections of earned media, owned media, and paid media.
Source: Semrush

This approach helps indirectly boost search engine rankings by enhancing the brand’s visibility and credibility online.

4. Link building

Link building is critical for SEO because it helps acquire backlinks from reputable sites, a key ranking factor for search engines. A strategic link-building campaign can significantly elevate a site’s authority and search rankings, making it an indispensable element of any successful SEO campaign. 

SEO agencies and SEO consultants often emphasise link building due to its direct impact on search engine results pages (SERPs) performance.

5. Competitor analysis

Competitor analysis provides insights into the SEO strategies employed by competitors. By analysing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors’ online presence, SEO companies and consultants can identify opportunities for improvement and differentiation. 

This understanding allows for developing a more effective SEO strategy that can surpass competitors in search rankings and search traffic.

6. Strategy development

Strategy development involves creating a tailored SEO strategy that aligns with the business’s goals and targets the intended audience. Effective strategy development considers various factors such as target keywords, audience needs, and competitive landscape. 

This strategic approach ensures the efficient allocation of resources and maximises the impact of SEO efforts on search rankings and return on investment.

7. Conversion rate optimisation (CRO)

Conversion rate optimisation (CRO) focuses on maximising the number of visitors who perform desired actions on the website, such as making purchases or signing up for newsletters. 

Lucky Orange's visual representation of the Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) process: Research, Hypothesize, Test and Optimize, Evaluate, Repeat.
Source: Lucky Orange

Through optimising the user experience and simplifying the conversion path, CRO plays a vital role in enhancing the overall effectiveness of an SEO strategy, leading to better search rankings, increased traffic, and higher return on investment.

How much does an SEO consultant cost?

The cost of hiring an SEO consultant depends on several factors. The project’s scope is a primary determinant; a larger, more comprehensive SEO campaign involving extensive keyword research, content creation, and link building will naturally demand a higher investment than smaller, more focused projects.

Based on my personal experiences in the SEO industry, you could expect to pay between $100 and $350 per hour. Now, I’m going to do some simple math to find an average based on the low and high rates:

$100 + $350/2 = An average of $225 per hour.

The experience level is also critical. Seasoned consultants with a proven track record of success and a portfolio of high-profile clients typically command higher fees due to their expertise and the value they can bring to your business.

Are there any drawbacks to SEO consulting?

While SEO consulting offers numerous benefits, there are some drawbacks:

  • Cost: Initial investment can be significant, especially for small online businesses.
  • Time: SEO strategies take time to yield results, requiring patience and long-term commitment.
  • Complexity: Keeping up with constant changes in search engine algorithms can be challenging.
  • No guarantees: Despite best efforts, specific ranking outcomes cannot be guaranteed due to the unpredictable nature of organic searches.

Future SEO trends to consider

As the digital landscape evolves, so too does SEO. That said, here are some SEO trends that I think will be worth keeping an eye on in the near future.

1. Voice search

Voice search optimisation is becoming critical. With an increasing number of people using voice-activated devices, tailoring content for voice searches is essential for staying ahead.

2. User experience (UX)

Search engines are now prioritising websites that offer smooth, user-friendly experiences. This shift underscores the importance of aligning SEO efforts with user behaviour to improve rankings.

3. Helpful content

Google’s recent updates like E-E-A-T and the Helpful Content Update highlight the importance of creating helpful and trustworthy content.

4. Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI will play an important role in SEO by creating more personalised content tailored towards user preferences. 

5. Sustainability

Sustainability in SEO mirrors the larger trend towards eco-friendly business practices. This includes optimising websites for efficiency to reduce energy consumption and embracing sustainable digital marketing practices.

Summing up

SEO consulting is essential for businesses that want to enhance online visibility and drive targeted traffic. Addressing various aspects of SEO, from technical adjustments to content optimisation, lays the foundation for achieving business goals through digital channels.

Learn more about how we can assist your business, explore our SEO services, check out our blog, and get in touch with our team.

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