10 Google Marketing Tools you Should Use

1. Google AdWords

It might make sense to experiment with Google AdWords, Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) offering, to give your organic efforts a jumpstart.

When people search on Google using your business’s keywords, you create ads that show above or to the left of organic results. You pay only when visitors click on your ad, so the cost depends on how competitive the keyword you are targeting is.

Never forget that AdWords can cost you a lot of money, and in contrast to organic search, it delivers quick results rather than long-lasting, free outcomes. That said, if used smartly, PPC can help you plan your organic search strategy.

Using PPC, you can test various keyword variations to determine which keyword will generate quality traffic. Based on this information, you can improve your organic SEO efforts and content creation.

2. Google Alerts

By using Google Alerts, you can keep track of the usage of specific keywords and phrases on the web. You’ll receive email alerts when these phrases are mentioned online, or RSS updates when they’re mentioned. Your competitors, your company, or even your products can be mentioned when you sign up for alerts.

Your business can use this PR tool to keep track of its online reputation and respond quickly to mentions of your brand online.

3. Google Apps: Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms

Do you have any marketing colleagues with whom you can collaborate? Using Google Suite as an alternative to typical desktop software, you can integrate some great collaboration tools. Google Docs is used for Word documents, Google Sheets for Excel spreadsheets, Google Slides is used for PowerPoint presentations, and Google Forms is used to collect simple survey responses.

You can collaborate on marketing analyses, ebooks or blog posts, presentations or surveys by using these platforms. Using a mobile app, users can access projects from across devices and save them automatically.

4. Google Webmaster Tools

Are you interested in learning how Google sees your site? If so, create an account with Google Webmaster Tools. Using Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll be alerted if your site is not appearing in search engine results, as well as be able to analyze what kind of search traffic your site is currently receiving so you know how visitors currently find you.

5. Google My Business

Interested in free Google advertising? No joke, it really exists.

The easiest way to make your business appear in local searches (as well as on Google Maps) is to claim your Google My Business listing (formerly known as Google Places). It is also worth noting that none of these companies paid for their listings, unlike Google AdWords.

6. DoubleClick Search by Google

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a combination of Google AdWords and DoubleClick Search.

Google’s DoubleClick ad platform helps advertisers target the right spaces online by making and measuring their ads. By using its Search tool, it aims to “close the loop” between their search and display marketing efforts, so both are complementary. With the tool, you can determine which keywords to target based on your audience, as well as how the search behavior of this market is changing in real time.

7. Google Trends

To make smarter keyword choices, Google Trends is a great addition to Google AdWords Keyword Planner. The tool displays related keywords, which can be helpful when finding new keywords, in addition to evaluating the popularity of certain terms, comparing them to other keyword variations, and analyzing the popularity of these terms across regions and languages.

8. Google News

By newsjacking, or piggybacking off of a news story’s popularity to increase your marketing and sales efforts, you can take advantage of an already popular story to enhance your sales. Search and identify news relevant to your industry with good newsjacking potential using Google News if you’re interested in using newsjacking in your marketing content strategy.

9. Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Do some keyword research first and foremost if you’re trying to boost your organic and local seo services. When you create blog posts and website content, keywords help you identify the search terms you should target, focusing your efforts on Search Engine Optimisation and creating solid content which puts you in front of the right people.

The Google AdWords Keyword Planner can also assist you in researching organic keywords to help you with your AdWords campaigns, even though it’s intended to help you plan your AdWords campaigns. In order to use the Keyword Planner, you must set up an AdWords account. However, you need not create an ad.

10. Google+ Business Pages

As Google Authorship went away and Google +1s were removed from search results, it is no longer essential to maintain an active Google+ Business Page if you are not a local business. Even if your Google+ Page isn’t updated frequently, it is essential for any business, given Google’s massive empire, to create one.

Local businesses have a unique set of requirements for setting up and maintaining a Google+ Page because it is integrated with their Google My Business listing. It’s also important to take some extra time to ensure your Google+ Page is as good as possible given that your Google My Business listing will include a link to it.

As a final note, if your target audience regularly uses Google+, you might want to consider adding the Google +1 share button to your website, especially to articles on your blog. You can make it easier for a website visitor to share your content on Google+, so that your content ranks higher in search.

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